Weekly Index Highlights, September 16, 2024
Stay informed with CFB's Weekly Index Highlights for a concise overview of the performance trends of our top reference rates and indices for the period September 9 to September 15, 2024.

Stay informed with CFB's Weekly Index Highlights for a concise overview of the performance trends of our top reference rates and indices for the period September 9 to September 15, 2024.

Key developments amid Ripple’s ongoing reputational rehabilitation propelled XRP +10.64% for the week, in step with an across-the-board relief rally for large caps, and certain altcoins, alike.

Heavy lifting by Gaming category token SUPER, +38.29%, accounts for the firm weekly return by the Culture sector, +7.10%. Services also stands out, underpinned by Infrastructure, +8.72%, which in turn was primarily driven by Scaling category token Celestia’s (TIA) +20.42% jump.

A second straight mild weekly increase for the ETH Staking Reward Rate,
+1.58%, means the negative YTD change continues to hover close to -
10% (-11.50%).

A more constructive tone during the week enabled a relatively even distribution of positive returns throughout the series, with the CF Ultra Cap 5 modestly outperforming, +7.99%, relative to +7.14% by the CF Large Cap (Diversified Weight).

The CF Blockchain Infrastructure Index (+8.87%) vies with the CF Digital Culture Composite Index (+8.76%) for the top weekly performer spot in this series. Still, our blockchain infrastructure portfolio remains the worst YTD performer (-43.11%).

Our CF Bitcoin Volatility Index Settlement Rate (BVXS) indicates market implied BTC volatility continues to trend lower. The -8.19% weekly change eclipses a moderate rise over the prior week, leaving BVXS -19.14% YTD.

Session and weekly rates ticked marginally lower, whilst 3-week and 1-month tenors edged higher. Even so, the curve is materially unchanged, and its overall profile remains one of flattening across the term structure.
Index data based on CF Benchmarks Settlement Rates, published at 16:00 London Time
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