Consultation for Proposed Methodology Change to CF Ripple-Bitcoin Settlement Price Now Open

0900 LDN
The consultation on proposed methodology parameter changes to the CF Ripple-Bitcoin Settlement Price previously announced by the Administrator is now open.
This consultation will close at 1600 LDN on May 24th and should the consultation result in the Administrator not implementing any of the proposed changes or the implementation date being changed then this and any further shall be announced by the Administrator. . This consultation is open to all index users and interested market participants and further to general comments the Administrator asks respondents to make direct reference to the below factors in their responses for the Administrators consideration:
Timeframe of Proposed Change
Whether the proposed change allows market participants to make the necessary arrangements to potentially accommodate the methodology change.
Financial Impact of Proposed Change
The financial value of contracts, instruments, funds that directly reference or are settled according to the benchmark that shall be impacted by the proposed change.
Market Impact of Proposed Change
The number of counterparties and types of counterparties that could be adversely impacted and the scale of the disruption they would face as a result of the proposed change.
Submission of Responses
All responses should be submitted in writing via email to All responses will be treated in confidence unless a respondent specifies that it wishes its identity to be known to the Administrator.
The proposed change and implementation date
Current Parameters Utilised
- Observation Window (LDN): 1500 to 1600 LDN
- Partition Length: 5 mins
Proposed Parameters
- Proposed Observation Window: 1430 to 1600 LDN
- Proposed Partition Length: 10 mins
Proposed Date of Implementation
The Administrator proposes to implement this change at 1630 on May 31st, 2019. This means that the CF Ripple-Bitcoin Settlement Price for June 1st, 2019 would be calculated utilising the new methodology parameters.
Methodology Algorithm
There will be no change to the methodology algorithm.
The proposed parameter changes will extend the observation window and promote data sufficiency for the CF Ripple-Bitcoin Settlement Price. In accordance with its policies the Administrator conducted detailed analysis of the proposed changes and presented this to the CF Cryptocurrency Index Family Oversight Function which shall provide oversight to this consultation process.
Likely Impacts
The proposed parameter changes will mean a greater number of transactions will be utilised as input data that will enhance data sufficiency with minimal impact on the properties of the index, including manipulation resistance, as described in the methodology guide.
Any queries regarding the consultation process should be addressed to
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