Changes of Dissemination Precision for Certain Benchmark Values

In light of the recent decision by Constituent Exchanges to increase the decimal precision of prices for certain Digital Assets, the Administrator announces that it will increase the Dissemination Precision of the benchmark values listed below.

Asset Information

Digital Asset Reference Rate Ticker Real Time Index Ticker Current Dissemination Precision New Dissemination Precision
AAVE AAVEUSD_RR AAVEUSD_RTI 0.01 U.S. Dollars 0.0001 U.S. Dollars
AVAX AVAXUSD_RR AVAXUSD_RTI 0.01 U.S. Dollars 0.0001 U.S. Dollars
BCH BCHUSD_RR BCHUSD_RTI 0.01 U.S. Dollars 0.001 U.S. Dollars
LTC LTCUSD_RR LTCUSD_RTI 0.01 U.S. Dollars 0.0001 U.S. Dollars
DOT DOTUSD_RR DOTUSD_RTI 0.0001 U.S. Dollars 0.00001 U.S. Dollars
FIL FILUSD_RR FILUSD_RTI 0.0001 U.S. Dollars 0.00001 U.S. Dollars
SNX SNXUSD_RR SNXUSD_RTI 0.001 U.S. Dollars 0.00001 U.S. Dollars
SOL SOLUSD_RR SOLUSD_RTI 0.01 U.S. Dollars 0.0001 U.S. Dollars
UNI UNIUSD_RR UNIUSD_RTI 0.0001 U.S. Dollars 0.00001 U.S. Dollars
ADA ADAUSD_RR ADAUSD_RTI 0.0001 U.S. Dollars 0.000001 U.S. Dollars
LINK LINKUSD_RR LINKUSD_RTI 0.001 U.S. Dollars 0.00001 U.S. Dollars
MANA MANAUSD_RR MANAUSD_RTI 0.001 U.S. Dollars 0.000001 U.S. Dollars
XTZ XTZUSD_RR XTZUSD_RTI 0.0001 U.S. Dollars 0.000001 U.S. Dollars
CHZ CHZUSD_RR CHZUSD_RTI 0.0001 U.S. Dollars 0.0000001 U.S. Dollars
ALGO ALGOUSD_RR ALGOUSD_RTI 0.0001 U.S. Dollars 0.000001 U.S. Dollars
XLM XLMUSD_RR XLMUSD_RTI 0.00001 U.S. Dollars 0.0000001 U.S. Dollars

From September 11th, 2023, at approximately 11:00 London Time, the new dissemination precision will apply to the Reference Rates and Real Time Indices listed above.

Questions or queries regarding this process and decision should be directed to

Any complaints regarding this process and decision can be made confidentially by writing to